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Golden Pond Agreement Signed 12518
Document Date: December 5, 2018 Document: Golden Pond Agreement Signed 12518.pdf
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Contract No. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AND Russell County Reclamation, LLC ‘This agreement, made and entered into this 5" day of December 2018, by and between the Commonwealth of Virginia, acting by and through the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, Division of Mined Land Reclamation (hereinafter called “DMME”), and Russell County Reclamation, LLC (hereinafter called “COMPANY"); WITNESSETH:
WHEREAS, DMME is the agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia delegated the duties and powers to implement and enforce the Virginia Coal Surface Control and Reclamation Act of 1979, Va. Code §§ 45.1-226 et seq., and the regulations promulgated thereunder (herein “VSMCRA”), as the same may be or become effective at any time or from time to time, as the Commonwealth’s permanent state regulatory program and abandoned mine reclamation program approved pursuant to the federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. (herein “State Program”);
WHEREAS, as part of its State Program, DMME has an approved abandoned mine land reclamation program (herein “AML Program") as codified in Va. Code §§ 45.1-260 et seq. The AML Program requires DMME to annually prepare and submit to the United States Secretary of Interior applications for funding, including the implementation of specific AML reclamation projects;
WHEREAS, past coal mining practices located off State Route 615, along Dumps Creek,
south of South Clinchfield in Russell County, Virginia, have resulted in a gob pile, which is known
as the Golden Pond Gob Pile Removal Project (herein “Project”). The property upon which the Project is located (“Property”) is an abandoned mine land site, more specifically defined in Attachment A, Item D, and the Project has been approved for reclamation as part of DMME’s FY2018 AML Consolidated Grant.
WHEREAS, the surface estate of the Property is owned by Russell County Reclamation, LLC.
WHEREAS, the DMME has determined that the incidental removal of coal during the reclamation of the Project site is likely. Pursuant to Va. Code § 45.1-253.2 of VSMCRA and § 4 VAC 25-130 Part 707 of the VSMCRA Regulations, the VSMCRA permitting requirements do not apply to areas from which coal is extracted as an incidental part of a government-financed construction operation, and because AML reclamation projects such as the Project are government- financed, they likewise qualify as government-financed construction.
WHEREAS, the COMPANY desires to perform the reclamation of the Project site in accordance with reclamation plans approved by DMME; provided, however, that the COMPANY is allowed to retain all proceeds it receives from the sale of the incidental coal it removes during said reclamation,
WHEREAS, the DMME desires to have the COMPANY perform the work required to reclaim the Project site in accordance with approved reclamation plans; with the understanding that the COMPANY will be entitled to retain the proceeds it receives from the sale of the incidental coal it removes during said reclamation (“AML Award”).
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants
hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows:
Prepare and provide to DMME a reclamation plan for the Project which provides for the stabilization of slopes and revegetation of the disturbed areas within the boundaries of the Project site (“Reclamation Plan”).
Allow the DMME to review and comment on the Reclamation Plan, and incorporate DMME’s changes into the final Reclamation Plan prior to the COMPANY’s implementation of same. A copy of the final Reclamation Plan approved by DMME is attached as Attachment C, which Plan is incorporated herein and made a part hereof.
Strictly adhere to the Office of Surface Mining (“OSM”) AML funding objectives contained in Attachment A hereto and made a part hereof, the AML Award, and the obligations of the COMPANY contained within this Agreement (herein “Award Conditions”).
Prior to commencement of reclamation work as contemplated by the Reclamation Plan, provide to DMME a performance bond in the amount of two hundred thousand
dollars, ($200,000.00), payable to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Director-
sion of Mined Land Reclamation, in a form acceptable to DMME.
Provide and pay all funds required to reclaim the Project site in accordance with the approved Reclamation Plan, including but not limited to the costs of all permits, licenses, land acquisitions, rights-of-way, easements, and construction and
reclamation costs, pursuant to the Award Conditions. The financial contribution of
DMME to the project construction budget is duly noted in the environmental assessment document and is made part of this agreement.
Maintain on the Project site all information required by 4 VAC 25-130-707.12 including a description of the Project, the exact location and boundaries of the Project, that the coal removed is physically necessary to remove in order to perform the reclamation of the Project site in accordance with the Reclamation Plan, and that the DMME administration of the Project is being financed with federal funds through its FY2018 AML Consolidated Grant.
Only allow coal to be removed that is incidental to the Project.
Prior to commencement of reclamation of the Project site, ensure that the Reclamation Plan and any reclamation documents and/or addenda, amendments, and change orders thereto are in accordance with the Award Conditions. Any amendments or change orders to the Reclamation Plan and/or reclamation documents shall be approved in writing by DMME prior to their execution, issuance and/or implementation.
Provide to DMME copies of all documents and addenda the COMPANY uses in contracting for the performance of reclamation work for the Project, if any.
Afford DMME personnel notice of and opportunity to attend and participate in all pre-construction conferences, and other relevant meetings concerning the Project, if any.
Provide for free and reasonable access by DMME and OSM personnel to the Project
site for the purpose of conducting weekly, or more frequent if necessary, inspections.
Upon completion of the work required by the Reclamation Plan, provide DMME with a copy of “as built” drawings of the Project.
Designate a Project Director who shall be knowledgeable of and responsible for Project activities and who shall act as the contact between DMME and COMPANY.
Provide DMME with monthly progress reports within fifteen (15) days following the end of each calendar month after this Agreement is fully executed. The report shall include all work accomplished, difficulties or delays encountered along with necessary remedial actions(s), and a schedule of future work.
Provide to DMME written verification that all easements, licenses, and applicable federal, state, or local permits or clearances required for the performance of the work required to complete the Project have been obtained prior to start of any work on the Project.
Provide professional supervision of all reclamation/construction work performed in reclaiming the Project site to ensure that the completed work conforms to the approved Reclamation Plan.
Certify and acknowledge that the Projects boundaries and limits are as delineated on Attachment A, and that no work outside said boundaries and limits shall be eligible through the AML AWARD or covered under the terms of this Agreement. Provide proof to DMME that the COMPANY has in full force and effect during the terms of this Agreement a public liability insurance policy.
(a) Worker’s Compensation ~ Statutory requirements and benefits. Coverage is
compulsory for employers of three or more employees, to include the employer.
Contractors who fail to notify the Commonwealth of increases in the number of employees that change their workers’ compensation requirements und the Code of Virginia during the course of the CONTRACT shall be in noncompliance with the contract. (b) Employers Liability - $100,000. © Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. Commercial General Liability is to include bodily injury and property damage, personal injury and advertising injury, products and completed operations coverage. The Commonwealth of Virginia shall be added as an additional insured to the policy by an endorsement. Coverage shall not exclude claims resulting from explosion, collapse or underground damage.
(d) Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 combined single limit (required only if a motor vehicle not owned by the Commonwealth is to be used in the CONTRACT). SUBRECIPIENT must assure that the required coverage is maintained by the SUBRECIPIENT (or third party of such motor vehicle).
The policy must provide for personal injury and property damage protection in an amount adequate to compensate any person injured or any property damaged as a result of the reclamation operations to the extent such person is entitled to be ‘compensated under the applicable provisions of Virginia law. Minimum insurance coverage under split limit for bodily injury and property damage shall be $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence and $2,000,000.00 aggregate. Minimum
insurance coverage for bodily injury and property damage combined shall be
$1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. The COMPANY is to name DMME as an additional insured on its liability insurance policy.
The COMPANY shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless DMME, its agents, officers, employees, and designated representatives from any claims, damages, suits, actions, liabilities and costs of any nature or kind, whether at law or in equity, arising from or caused by performance by the COMPANY or its agents, whether for design or reclamation of the Project, or from the use of any materials, goods, or equipment of any kind or nature or any service of any kind, provided that such liability is not attributable to the sole negligence of the DMME. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed an expressed or implied waiver of the sovereign immunity of the DMME.
Neither the COMPANY, its officers, agents, employees, assignees, whether for design or reclamation of the Project, shall be deemed employees of the Commonwealth of Virginia or of DMME by virtue of the Project, the location of the Project, or the AML AWARD.
Upon completion of any audit of the Project conducted under OMB Circular A-128, promptly provide the DMME with a copy of any and all such audit reports. Commit to no contract or contract extension whose performance could extend beyond March 31, 2021, the expiration date of the AML Award.
Agree to not let the project be idled for a cumulative period exceeding sixty (60) days and to return work forces and equipment upon request of DMME at the end of the sixty-day period. COMPANY’s failure to perform this part may result in termination of the agreement and default under Articles X and XI. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION
A During the performance of this AGREEMENT, the COMPANY agrees as
The COMPANY will not, and will require that its Contractors not, discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or disabilities, except where religion, sex, or national origin is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the COMPANY or its Contractor exists. The COMPANY agrees to, and will require its Contractors to, post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
The COMPANY, in all solicit:
sor advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the COMPANY or its Contractors, will state, and require that its Contractors state, that such COMPANY or Contractor is an equal opportunity employer.
Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the
purpose of meeting the requirements of this Section.
B. The COMPANY and its Contractors will include the provisions of the
foregoing paragraphs 24.A.1; 24.A.2; and 24.A.3 in every subcontract or
purchase order over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon
each subcontractor or vendor.
CERTIFICATIONS: The COMPANY certifies to the DMME that it is, to the best of its knowledge and belief, in compliance, and will continue in compliance, and it will require that its Contractors conform, to the following Acts, as amended:
State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act;
General Assembly Conflict of Interests Act;
Virginia Freedom of Information Act;
Virginia Fair Employment Contracting Act;
Virginia Governmental Frauds Act;
Virginia Public Procurement Act;
Virginians with Disabilities Act;
Americans with Disabilities Act;
Federal Immigration Reform and Control act of 1986; and
Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination, including but not limited to:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin);
Title IX of the Education amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1683, and 1685-1686) prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex;
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C., Section 794) prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps;
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C., Sections 6101-6107)
which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age;
The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P-L. 93-255), as amended, relating to non-discrimination on the basis of drug abuse;
The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism:
Sections 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C., 290 dd- 3 and 290 ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records;
Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C., Section 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; and/or
Any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made, and the requirement on any other nondisctimination statute(s) which may apply to the AML AWARD or this Agreement.
Federal Lobbying Act, 31 U.S.C.A., Section 1352 (entitled, “Limitation on use of appropriated funds to influence certain Federal contracting and financial transactions, and the Virginia Lobbying Disclosure and Regulation Act, Sec. 2.1- 779 through 2.1-794, Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended, including, without limitation, obtaining and delivering to the DMME all necessary certifications and disclosures.
Title Il and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition
Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provides for fair and equitable treatment
of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of Federal and federally assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interest in real property acquired for Project purposes regardless of Federal participation in purchases. Hatch Act (5 U.S.C., Sections 1501-1508 and 7324-7328) which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds.
Copeland Act (40 U.S.C., Section 276c and 18 U.S.C., Section 874), the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C., Sections 327-333) regarding labor standards for federally assisted construction sub-agreements.
Flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insurable construction and acquisition is $10,000 or more. Environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following:
institution of environmental quality control measures under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514;
(b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; © protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in flood plains in accordance with EO 11988: (e) assurance of Project’s consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C., Sections 1451 et seq,); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176 © of the Clean Air Act of
1955, as amended (42 U.S.C., Section 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground
sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended, (P.L. 93-523); and (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (P.L. 93-205).
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C., Sections 1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system.
‘The COMPANY shall assist the DMME in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and preservation of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469a-I et seq.). 40 CFR 122-EPA Storm Water Regulations; PL 92-500, Section 404 — Utility Crossings of Navigable Waters — U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Code of Virginia, Title 10.1, Chapter 5, Article 4 - Erosion and Sediment Control Law ~ Soil and Water Conservation Commission; VR 625-02-00 - Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations; Code of Virginia, Title 62.1, Chapter 3.1, Article 44 - State Water Control Law; VR 680-15-02 — Virginia Water Protection Permit; Code of Virginia,
Title 62.1, Chapter 3 - Sub-aqueous Bed Permit — Marine Resources Commission.
DMME will:
Review and submit to the COMPANY comments on the Reclamation Plan to
monitor adherence to AML Award conditions and obligations.
Provide administration of the Project, document the costs and expenses incurred by DMME, document the findings necessary to qualify the Project as a government financed construction project as contemplated by Va. Code § 45.1-253.2 and 4 VAC 25-130 Part 707 of VSMCRA, including those costs noted in the NEPA document. Document eligibility of the Project for funding by securing an Authorization to Proceed from the federal Office of Surface Mining.
Designate a Project Inspector to monitor the site and to serve as contact to the
Provide the COMPANY with consultations and information that are available and reasonably required for Project purposes.
Contract to have trees planted on the site following COMPANY’s excavation, backfilling, grading, and seeding.
Release COMPANY’s bond upon the successful completion of the PROJECT.
SAFETY INSPECTIONS OF CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT ON JOB SITE: DMME reserves the right to conduct safety inspections of contractor and/or sub- contractor owned/or leased equipment delivered to or present at an AML construction site. DMME shall conduct a pre-construction safety inspection of all equipment at the site as identified on the equipment list for the project as provided by the contractor. If any previously unidentified equipment is delivered to the site for use, the contractor shall contact the Inspector/Contract Administrator to conduct a safety inspection of that equipment prior to its use. ‘The agency may also conduct equipment safety inspections at any time during the contract period while the
equipment is on site. Inspections shall be in accordance with established DMME
inspection criteria and evidenced by a safety inspection checklist (see attachment). DMME requires that the contractor perform a daily pre-shift inspection of all equipment prior to its use each day. DMME can provide a template of the Surface Equipment Inspection Pre-operational Exam Checklist upon request. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective as of the _Sth day of December 2018 and shall expire on March 31, 2021. FINANCIALICOMPLIANCE RECORDS AVAILABILITY The COMPANY agrees to retain and provide reasonable access to all books, records, and other documents relative to this Agreement for five (5) years after final payment or until audited by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the OSM, whichever is later. DMME, its authorized agents, and/or State and Federal auditors shall have full access to and the right to examine any of said materials during said period at reasonable times and upon 24 hours advance notice. CONSTRUCTION ASSURANCES ‘The COMPANY hereby assures and certifies that they shall comply with the laws, regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements, including OMB Circulars No. A-95, A- 102, and FMC 74-4, as they relate to the application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this federally assisted Project. Also, the COMPANY gives assurance and certifies that:
- The COMPANY shall cause work on the Project to be commenced within a reasonable time after NOTIFICATION TO PROCEED from the DMME and that
the COMPANY will prosecute the Project to completion with reasonable
diligence. The COMPANY will keep the DMME informed of Project progress and delays.
- The COMPANY shall not dispose of or encumber its title or other interests in
Property, including the Project, and facilities located thereon during the period of Federal interest or while the Government holds bonds, whichever is the longer.
- During the term of this Agreement, the COMPANY shall not dispose of, modify the use of, or change the terms of the real property title, or other interest in the Property, including the Project, and facilities without permission and instructions from the DMME. The COMPANY shall record the federal interest in the title of Property in accordance with DMME directives and shall include a covenant in the title of real property acquired in whole or in part with Federal assistance funds to
assure nondiscrimination during the useful life of the Project.
VIII. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be executed on behalf of the COMPANY by such person or persons as are authorized to act on behalf of the COMPANY pursuant to law, and on behalf
of the DMME by the Deputy Director of the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy.
OBLIGATION TO COMPLETE If the delivery of supplies, services, materials or equipment is not fully performed in
accordance with the terms of the contract by the time specified in the contract, the contractor
agrees to complete the remaining or incomplete work at its own expense; except that the accomplishment be delayed by any act, negligence, or default on the part of the Commonwealth or OSM, public enemy, war, embargo, fire, explosion or Act of God (including without limitation, adverse weather conditions) not caused by the negligence or intentional act of the contractor o his supplier(s), or by riot, sabotage, or labor trouble that results from a cause or causes entirely beyond the control or fault of the contractor or his supplier(s), a reasonable extension of time as the procuring public body deems appropriate may be granted. Upon receipt of a written request and justification for an extension from the contractor, the purchasing office, with the approval of the Deputy Director, may extend the time by issuing a Change Order for performance of the contract or delivery of goods
herein specified at the purchasing office’s sole discretion,
It shall also be known and understood by both parties that if the contract expires and the delivery of supplies, services, materials or equipment has not been fully performed in accordance with the terms of the contract, it is determined the Commonwealth is not at fault, and grant funding for the contract has expired, the contractor shall, at the contractor’s sole cost and expense, complete its obligations under the contract. INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the COMPANY and DMME. No alteration, amendment or modification in the provisions of this Agreement
shall be effective unless it is reduced to writing, signed by the parties, and attached hereto.
‘Any failure by a party to perform any obligation under this Agreement shall constitute a breach of the Agreement. Upon breach of the Agreement by a party, the other party may, at its option, declare its intention to terminate the Agreement unless the breach is cured by the party breaching the Agreement. Such declaration shall be in writing to the party in breach stating the intention to terminate, the reason(s) therefore and the action necessary to cure the breach. Upon receipt of notice of intention to terminate, the party in breach shall have 60 days to take the curative action and avoid termination. The DMME shall not be
obligated to pay for any services or work performed after the notice of intention to terminate.
In case of COMPANY ’s failure to deliver goods or services in accordance with the agreement terms and conditions, DMME, after due oral or written notice, may procure them from other sources and hold the contractor responsible for any resulting additional purchases and administrative cost. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies, which the Commonwealth may have. The DMME may also act to forfeit COMPANY’s bond in
accordance with regulations promulgated under 45.1-247 of the Code.
Any notice required hereunder shall be made in writing to the applicable party at the
following addresses
DMME COMPANY AML Projects Coordinator Russell County Reclamation, LLC P.O. Drawer 900 2200 Lee Highway Suite A Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 Bristol, VA 24202 Phone. 1-523-’ Phone No. 276-669-7851
For purposes of this Agreement, the notice shall be deemed received if mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested to the above addresses on the date of the first notice of delivery by the post office. Failure to pick up the notice in response to the notices of delivery shall
not constitute a defense to receipt hereunder.
No review, approval, acceptance of nor payment for any of the services required by DMME shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights of or any cause of action arising out of the performance of the contract. Notwithstanding any contrary provision contained herein, the COMPANY shall be and remain liable to the DMME for all costs of any kind which are incurred by the DMME as a result of a negligent act, errors or omissions
of the COMPANY or its Contractor in the performance of any of the services furnished.
XIV. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be deemed executed in Wise County, Virginia, The execution, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia without regard to any conflict of laws or principles.
XV. NON-APPROPRIATION All contracts for products and services and all payment obligations under the AML AWARD and this Agreement are subject to appropriated AML funds being available for expenditure for that purpose. The DMME shall promptly notify the COMPANY of any action denying such funding. In such event, any outstanding contract shall be cancelled without further obligation to the extent the affected products or services have not yet been
duly delivered and accepted,
If any purchases are to be supported by federal funding, and such funding is not made available, the DMME may terminate the contracts for goods or services which are so
dependent on such federal funds without further obligation.
XVI ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement incorporates and contains the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, and there are no oral understandings, terms or conditions not herein recited, and neither party has relied upon any representations, expressed or implied, not incorporated or
contained in this Agreement and its attachments.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement by their duly
authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written.
Russell County Reclamation, LLC COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA
Manager (Title) (Title) December 5. 2018 December 5, 2018 (Date) (Date)
ATTACHMENT A GOLDEN POND GOB PILE REMOVAL PROJECT Categorical Exclusion Determination (NEPA) NEPA Consultation Letters Safety Inspection Checklist
Plat of Property
9 9 B >
ATTACHMENT A GO! IND GOB PILE REMOV. Categorical Exclusion Determination (NEPA) NEPA Consultation Letters Safety Inspection Checklist
Plat of Property
Categorical Exclusion Determination (NEPA)
Inia Minds Miners ana Energy
July 26, 2018
State: Virginia Problem Area Number:_VA-0821 South Clinchfield Project Name: Golden Pond Gob Pile Removal Project ~ Site No. 18302
‘ost Breakout by PAD: VA-0821 32.0 AC P3 GO @ $1,774,080 AFS ‘otal GO: 32.0 AC P3 GO $10,000 ENH
VA-0821 Total Cost: $1,784,080
Total Project Cost: $1,784,080
The FY2018 Golden Pond Gob Pile Removal Project (Site No. 18302), is located off State Route 615, along Dumps Creek, south of South Clinchfield in Russell County, Virginia. Project area mapping is comprised of a section of the Carbo USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle. The project coordinates are 82° 10’ 44,21"W and 36° 57’ 38,77"N. The project area is contained within the South Clinchfield Problem Area, VA-0821. Reclamation will include eliminating a Priority 3 Gob Pile (GO) that resulted from mining that occurred prior to August 3, 1977.
To accomplish the project, the DMME, DMLR will contract with a licensed contractor or qualifying individual meeting the requirements of §45.1-261.1 of the Code of VA and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, DMME’s financial contribution to the project is estimated to be less than 50 percent of the project cost. This type and level of funding allows DMME to consider the AML project as government-financed construction under §4 VAC 25-130 Part 707. The prospective contractor is Russell County Reclamation, LLC.
This AML enhancement construction will be governed by the OSM approved VA program definition changes to the term “government-financed construction” (64 FR 72277-72280, December 27, 1999), in conjunction with the OSM approved VA Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (AMLR) Plan revision that allows coal removal strictly incidental to AML hazard abatement construction by contractors without a Title V permit, in order to offset Federal AML reclamation costs (65 FR 1063-1065, January 7, 2000). Implementing the approved AML enhancement provisions at this site will result in DMLR expending Federal AML funding only for non-emergency AML administration costs, DMLR construction cost estimates showing this Federal AML funding will involve less than 50% of the project costs. A construction project cost of $1,784,080 is estimated to eliminate AML hazards consisting of 32 acres of Priority 3 Gob
The company will be required to implement effective sediment and dust control measures along any roads and obtain any permits required by the Virginia Department of Transportation. The contractor will also be required to maintain access roads to prevent tracking material onto state roads. The contractor will submit proof it has obtained all necessary VDOT permits before commencing any work and will be required to adhere to permit terms and conditions. The contractor is required to have an approved ground control plan prior to commencing reclamation.
All work associated with the project is located in upland areas and no impacts to “Waters of the ULS.”, as defined by the Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR 230.3(s). Additionally, no impacts to “Waters of the U.S.” will occur where the total drainage area equals or exceeds five (5.0) square miles. If for any reason the scope of work is changed during the design process that would result in impacts to “Waters of the U.S.”, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be contacted and all applicable regulatory permits obtained prior to performing the work.
DMLR will ensure the contractor strictly adheres to Virginia’s erosion and sediment control provisions to prevent discharge of sediment to state waters and assure no provisions of VA’s State Water Quality Standards are violated. No work will begin until the contractor obtains necessary permits, or documents that permits will not be required, from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) or the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Within 60 days of initiation of work, the contractor is to employ at least one individual who has obtained Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation certification as a Responsible Land Disturber. Sediment control measures may include installing filter fabric fences, constructing weep berms, and routing runoff through sediment control structures within active work areas. Where necessary to protect against erosion, the contractor will install riprap channels, water socks, or other acceptable devices. Drainage will primarily be contained within the structure. If necessary water may be pumped from the structure into sediment ponds permitted under VDMLR permit 1302253. Any discharges from those structures will be required to meet the NPDES standards for the permit.
Reclamation of the structure following gob removal will be addressed by the Project Reclaim. Following complete gob pile removal, topsoil material will be obtained from areas approved under Project Reclaim, if needed. Following any needed topsoiling and final grading, the company will seed and mulch the areas with a seed mix certified weed-free of non-invasive species selected from the revegetation species list agreed upon by the Division of Mined Land
Reclamation and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as documented by letter dated June 21, 2000.
Personnel trained to conduct external portal surveys, for bat habitat suitability, from the Virginia ion of Mined Land Reclamation (DMLR) have determined that there are no portals associated with this reclamation project that will be effected. However, if portals are discovered within the construction work limits during reclamation, DMLR will do the following: (1) Conduct bat habitat studies; (2) Provide results to appropriate agencies; (3) If studies provide data that would warrant bat closures, then DMLR will close the newly discovered portals with the appropriately designed bat closure.
the implementation of and strict adherence to applicable state and local erosion and sediment control/storm water management laws and regulations. Due to the legal status of several of the species associated with this site, DCR also recommends coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and VDGIF, Virginia’s regulatory authority for the management and protection of these species to ensure compliance with protected species legislation.
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) - The Department of Environmental Quality has no objections to the project provided that the applicant abides by all applicable state, Federal, and local laws and regulations. Prior to construction, all permits and approvals must be obtained, In general, development must incorporate features which prevent significant adverse impacts on ambient air quality, water quality, wetlands, historic structures, fish wildlife, and species of plants, animals, or insects listed by state agencies as rare, threatened, or endangered,
The Department of Historic Resources (DHR) ~ The Department of Historic Resources states that. “Review of our inventory files shows that there are no recorded historic districts, structures or archaeological sites within the project’s area of potential effects. In addition it is our opinion that no further identification efforts are warranted. Based upon the documentation provided, we recommend a finding of No Historic Properties Affected for the proposed reclamation project.” DHR’s V-CRIS mapping shows no historic resources in the proposed project arcas.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) ~ The National Resources Conservation Service responded that the proposed project addresses the basic NRCS environmental, erosion, and sediment control concems. ‘The proposed reclamations also seem to conform closely to presently practiced reclamation goals and standards. It is our position that these worthwhile projects should be implemented.
The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) — The United States Corps of Engineers did not respond to the consultation letter.
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) ~ The United States Fish and Wildlife Service responded that “We certify that use of the online project review process in strict accordance with the instructions provided as documented in the enclosed project review package results in reaching the appropriate determinations. Therefore, we concur with the “no effect” or “not likely to adversely affect” determinations for proposed and listed species and proposed and designated critical habitat; the “may affect” determination for Northern long-eared bat; and/or the “no Eagle Act permit required” determinations for eagles. Additional coordination with this office is not needed.”
The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) ~ The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries did not respond to the consultation request letter. VDGIF databases were searched as a requirement of the USFWS online consultation.
The Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRO) — The Virginia Marine Resources Commission noted that a permit may be required of the scope of work includes direct
Does the project specifically require an EA in 516 DM 6, Appendix 8, as specified in Item | of the instructions? No (X) Yes( )
Will the project have any of the following:
A significant adverse effect on public health or safety? No (X) Yes( ) An adverse effect on any of the following unique geographic characteristics? No (X) Yes () (.) Parks (State, Local, or National) (.) Wild or Scenic Rivers (.) Recreation or Refuge Lands () Wetlands (.) Wilderness Areas () Floodplains () Ecologically Significant or () Sole or Principal Critical Areas Drinking Water Aquifers
() Prime Farmlands Highly controversial environmental effects? No (X) Yes( )
Highly uncertain and potentially significant environmental effects or unique or unknown environmental risks? No (X) Yes ()
A precedent for future action or a decision in principle about future actions with potentially significant environmental effects. No (X) Yes()
‘socioeconomics) (.) Fish and Wildlife
Signature: Lesa Baker Date: July 25, 2018
Lesa Baker AML Project Coordinator
() This project conforms with the exclusion criteria in 516 DM 6, Appendix 8, and is excluded from further NEPA compliance.
QO This project does not conform with the exclusion criteria in 516 DM 6, Appendix 8, and requires an environmental assessment.
Signature:, Date:
Manager Big Stone Gap Area Office
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Appendix B - NEPA Consultation Response Letters
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‘Lesa Bales, Abandoned Mise Land Coorfiaater ‘Deparment of Mines, Minerals and Eergy
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Appendix C - Certified Mail Receipts for Non-Responding Agencies
Please see the screen shot below for the request for comments from DCR, DEQ, DGIF, DHR, ACOE, NRCS, USFWS, and VMRC.
Appendix D - Eligibility Letter
Exhibit A - Location Map
Safety Inspection Checklist
A. AML Grant Funding Documents - FY2018
B Golden Pond Gob Pile Removal Project Budget - 0.00
Item No. Description Approximate Quantity Unit Cost Total L Mobilization (not to exceed 10%) Sob LS. NA _O 2 Site Preparation Job LS. N/A O 3. Excavation Job LS. NA _O- 4, Erosion and Sediment Control Job LS. NA _O 3. Channel Construction Job LF S$N/A Qo 6. Revegetation Job LS. NA __O Total construction estimate $000
‘Surface Equipment Inspection Pre-operational exam checklist 17 07-18
“Surface Equipment Inspection Pre-operational exam checklist 17 07-18
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([ZAZZZZZZ|_| 32 Acre AML Industria Ste oe Ge ‘600
CE) ‘35 Acre Future Industrial Site —_ eel
N RUSSELL COUNTY [5,7 {10 lupe
fare RECLAMATION, LLC [r= — fon oer
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A. Reclamation Plan
Appalachian Technical MAT: jervices, Inc.
September 19, 2018
Lesa C. Baker
AML Proj. Coordinator
VA. Dept of Mines Minerals & Energy 3405 Mountain Empire Road
PO Box 900
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
RE: Comments on Project Reclaim
Dear Mrs. Baker,
Please see revised narrative.
The fines narrative has been revised. The drawings have been modified.
The backfilling narrative has been updated. A section called “Compaction” has been added.
The revision will be updated upon resubmittal. Please see revised narrative.
Please see revised bonding narrative.
Sincerely, David Mullins, P.E. P.O, Box 1897 ~ 475 West Main Sweat 0, Box 3637 6741 Indian Creek Road ‘Abingdon, Vignia 24212 Wis, Viginia 24203 ‘Phone. (276) 676-4262 Phone: (276) 328-4200 Fax: (276) 623-8200 Fax (276) 228-4900
small [email protected] E-mail wise@latsone com
Russell County Reclamation, LLC (RCR) proposes to remove fine refuse and replace it with 330,000 cubic yards of material that is suitable for the development of an industrial pad. This report details the work necessary to successfully complete this project. This report Is based on the proposal submitted to and approved by OSM as “Project Reclaim”. RCR proposes no deviation from that original proposal.
Fines Removal:
‘The 32 acre AML sites known as Golden Pond consists of approximately 25 acres of fines and about 7 acres of associated areas such as the dike between the fines and Dumps Creek.
It is estimated that there is an approximately 500,000 cubic yards of fines in Golden Pond, This is a just an estimate as it is not safe for equipment to travel on the fines. As such, no drilling or exploration has been performed on the fines. An average 15 feet of depth has been assumed, This was developed by plotting the bedrock elevation of Dumps Creek adjacent to the pond. On the north end, Dumps Creek is about 8 feet below the fines level and on south side, near the bridge, the fines are 20 plus feet above Dumps Creek. A backhoe has been used to collect samples on the mid-south area adjacent to the access road, This hole went down 10- 12 feet and did hit bottom,
‘The fines will be removed in zones. These zones, (1,2,3 etc}, will contain subzones, (A, B, Cetc), of approximately 8,000 cubic yards each. Two subzones may be worked concurrently. The subzones will average 288 feet long based on an average depth of 15” of fines. The 8000 cubic yard number is conservative. As shown on the attached “Fines Removal and Backfill Plan” drawing, the SO foot reach of the excavator is not vertical, The sides of the pond are not vertical and the backfill (even at angle of repose) is not vertical. The actual “hole” would be significantly less than 8000 cubic yards. The top 4 to 6 feet of fines are dry. This portion can stand at near vertical for long periods (t 2 months). Due to the ellipsoid reach of the excavator, the lower level of fines will be removed on an angle (see drawing). It is not anticipated that ‘more than 50 feet width will be disturbed at any given time. The fines will be removed by excavator, backhoe or draglines. The fines will be loaded onto haul trucks and removed to the adjacent RCR permit number 1302253. Here it will be spread for drying purposes and for ultimate disposal. It is the intention of RCR to remove all fines that are technically practical and can be safely removed. _Alllfines will be removed from the building area.
‘The fines will be removed beginning in zone 1. Generally, the removal will follow the ‘numerical sequence. Zones 4-9 will be the bullding pad area. Removal will then begin in zone 10 and work northerly until comple:
The main sump will be in zone 1. Zones 1, 2 and 3 will be backfilled and sloped to the ‘main sump.
The backfilling of Golden Pond will proceed in zones as previously described, The suitable material may come from several locations within the adjacent permit. This material may be unscreened coarse refuse, screened refuse or shot material from borrow areas, Acid- based analyses for the screened and unscreened refuse samptes are included in this package. The shot material from the borrow areas has not been tested. The borrow areas are shown on the attached drawing. The zones are shown on the attached map. Also included are cross sections through Golden Pond,
Generally, backfilling will follow the numerical sequence. Zones 4-9 will be the building pad, These areas will be backfilled using material that can best be compacted by the IDA when the site is developed. The backfill of zones 4-9 will be to the grades shown on the attached cross sections.
‘The upper part of the dike between Golden Pond and the former raw coal stockpile of Permit 1302253 may be removed after zone 10 has been backfilled. This will allow the backfill better to meet the existing grade of the raw coal area. This will also allow drainage from the backfilled areas to flow to Ponds 2, outfall 002 of 1302253,
‘As proposed and approved in Project Reclaim OSM application, Russell County Reclamation, LLC proposed to “backfill” Golden Pond with up ta 330,000 cubic yards of material, to create a “rough grade” site suitable for industrial recruitment. At this early time, with no specific tenant, the IDA would not perform specific compaction on an area, Compaction needs vary between tenants and / or buildings. The area will be turned over to the IDA in the approximate “rough grade” as shown on the attached cross section.
The maximum building size for this area was projected to be 100,000 square feet. This is a little over two acres. The remaining acres will be used as parking; laydown yards access roads and storm water management. These areas need no particular compaction.
Finally, as the zones are backfilled, equipment (trucks, excavators, ete) will be routed over the material. This will help compact the backfill.
Sediment Control:
A Main Sump will be developed in the first zone. It will remain the low area for the life of the project. An additional low area in each zone may be developed to capture runoff or water that may seep into the zone. Adjacent zones may use the same low area for drainage control, Water may be pumped from the low areas in the fines to the Main Sump. If necessary, water may be pumped from the main sump into RCR Permit Number 1302253’s Pond 2 series
which discharge as Outfall 002. This is being addressed in DMLR Application Number 1010465. It is not anticipated that this will be a continual pumping operation. The Main Sump will tend to clarify the water prior to pumping to Pond 2
‘Sudden Release:
The chance of a sudden release from Golden Pond without a catastrophic rain event is small, Installing the drainage control as outlined previously will further reduce the likelihood of a sudden release.
Each sub zone contains approximately 8,000 cuble yards of material, As previously discussed this is a very conservative estimate. Up to two sub zones of fines can be completely removed at any given time, Each subzone will contain approximately 8000 cubic yards. The width is set at 50 feet due to the size of equipment. The length {average 288’) can be adjusted based on actual depth of fines, (e.g. if fines are 20’deep, the length maybe limited to 216 feet) Reclamation cost is based on bringing unscreened coarse refuse to backfill these two zones. This material will be available to AML in the unlikely event ofa Bond Forfeiture
Backfill 8,000 cu yd X 2 subzonesX$6,25 = $100,000 Vegetation 23 acres @ $1,000 $ 23,000 Subtotal $123,000 Mobilization (6%) $7,380 Subtotal $130,380 Total Bond w/ DMLR/AML Multiplier $199,681 (round up to $200,000}
(x 15315378)
Z, - t/
Fines Removal and Backfill Plan NTS.
3/19/2018] 01 aa OT e74.12_N Typical ae f= ——] 01 1 = 109
Golden Pond Reclamation Plan
VAR Russell County Reclamation, LLC ec Serv
ee|, ale iat i:
Appalachian Technical Services, Inc. are Laboratory Services
47S West Main Street P.O. Box 1897 Abingdon VA 24212 (276)676-4262
Client: Russel County Reclamation, LLC Project No.:1674.01
2700 Lee Hiwy.,Suile A Sample ID: Gray Sandstone / Shale / Staining Bristol, VA 24202 Date Sampled :12/5/2017 ) Sampled By: Client Consereened.
Acid-Base Accountability
LabID | Description | % % % Sultur Potential | Newbalization | Net Excess | Stake Pyrite | Sulfate | Organic | Dry | Paste | Acidity | Potential — | Or Durability Sulfur | Sulfur} Sulfur pH Deficiency ‘Index Gray 1144 | Sandstone 0.07 | 7.2} 219 | 11.69 9.50 94.13 Shale
‘Units in Tens CaCO equivalent per 1000 tons of material
Appalachian Technical Services, Inc. are Laboratory Services
475 West Main Street P.O. Box 1897 Abingdon VA 24212 (276)676-4262
Client: Russell County Reclamation, LLC Project No.:1674.01 2700 Lee Hwy.,Sulte A ‘Sample ID : Gray Sandstone ¢ screened 9) Bristol, VA 24202 Date Sampled :12/5/2017 Sampled By: Client
Acid-Base Accountability
LabID | Description ‘h * % ‘Sulfur Potential | Neutralization | Net Excess ‘Stake Sulfate | Organic | Ory | Paste | Adity | Potential | Or Durability ‘Sulfur | Sulfur | Sulfur pH Deficiency Index Gray 1143 | Sandstone 0.06 | 7.4] 1.88 | 13.43 | 11.55 98.8
‘Uns Tons CaCO» equivalent per 1000 tons of material